August 30, 2011

Putting to rest months of speculation, Sophie Von Licorice has confirmed plans to run for the Santa Monica City Council in November of this year. Political experts are predicting she will run again in 2012, when there will actually be elections.

At an informal press conference on the lawn of City Hall on Monday, Von Licorice, in pink harness, white hat and pearls, apologized for the heat and promised to do something about it if elected. When asked her party affiliation, Ms. Von Licorice declared "I go wherever I'm invited!"

Though she remained stubbornly elusive on the subject, she did make clear she was by no means the Pee-Party Candidate, referring to them as "a bunch of old dogs and young bitches who eat homework and piddle on history--books."

Von Licorice was refreshingly forthcoming when it came to specific issues, declaring herself steadfastly Pro-Choice: "Though I prefer Prime, I never say 'no' to Select, Standard or even Commercial grade."

"I would also like to buy a pork barrel. I don't know what that is, but I think it sounds interesting."

As for local issues, Von Licorice declared she was "For bigger small dog parks and smaller big dog parks. " She also declared herself a staunch supporter of Prop 871168a--which is apparently entirely of her own creation (the City Council does resolutions and ordinances, not propositions.) According to a spokesperson from Von Licorice's campaign office, the proposition forbids non-consensual dressing up in cute outfits.

While Von Licorice has sat on the laps of presidents and premieres, and has been on sniffing terms with nearly every First Dog since Fala, she has never actually run for office before. "I'm just dipping my paw..." she said.

As for running a year early, her staff seemed unphased. "She really likes to run." said her campaign manager and publicist--the guy who feeds her.

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